Edit Category Delete Category Insert Category Insert Sub Category Set Startup Category Create Category Shortcut Import Categories
Edit Content Delete Content Insert Content Copy Play Address Copy Embed Play Address Copy Broadcast Address Create Content Shortcut


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Organization List

Add Delete Import Create Shortcut

Organization Users

Add Delete

Organization User Groups

Add Delete


Delete Organization?

Are you sure you want to delete this organization?
This will delete all organization users, user groups and content!

Import Organization

Import organizations from Excel file (.xlsx)

Download organization template file, all fields are optional except "name"


Add Delete Import


Delete User?

Are you sure you want to delete this User?

Import Users

Import users and user groups from Excel files (.xlsx)

Download user template file, required fields; login, password.

Download user group template file, required fields; title

User Groups

Add Delete Import

User Group

Delete User Group?

Are you sure you want to delete this User Group?

Import User Groups

Import user groups from Excel (.xlsx) file or enter the user group names in the text box below.

Download user group template file, required fields; title


Delete Category?

Are you sure you want to delete this category?

Import Categories

Import categories from a utf-8 encoded text file where tabs describe the category tree.


Delete Content?

Are you sure you want to delete this content?

Edit Video



Are you sure you want to delete this category?


Create or import child organizations, child organizations can have their own users, user groups, categories and content but you have the full control. This can be used for departments or any type of sub or related organization. A user can have access to any of its sub organizations, these simple but powerful patterns can be used to build a variety of simple or complex organizational structures.
Add or import users, assign a user group, the user group then control the access to the content categories.
For fine-grained category access control, you can give each user their own category access on top of the user group category access.
For example, you want a user to access only one category, assign this user to the public user group and then select the category in user category access control and you're done.
User groups
Add or import users groups, user groups control the categories avaiable for the users assigned to them.
The public user group control categories avaiable before logged in. This can be used when building a landing page or a pubic site. Just set a public category as the startup category, the startup category is category listed when landing on the page.
Add or import categories to populate the category tree.
Add any type of content, give the content a title, desciption, category, publish date etc.
Content type examples:
Excel, Word, Power Point.
Numbers, Pages, Keynote.
HTML5 content.
Content Shortcut
Content shortcut.
Category Shortcut
Category shortcut.
URL Shortcut
URL shortcut.
You can simply add any File...
Add any file you want, file types not known to the system become plain "File Content" you can still give them custom tumbnail or use all tha basic content features such as user access and publishing control etc.

Publish content on external sites
Just right click on the content and copy content url or copy content embedded url, paste the code into your external site and you're done.